
Merck Efekt Pigment Ofset Kaplama

Efekt pigmentlerimiz su bazlı baskı sistemleri ya da UV ofset kaplama sistemlerinde bölmeli rakle bıçağı sistemi ile birlikte kullanılabilir. Efekt pigmentleri çevre-dostu geri dönüşümünün yanı sıra birçok substrat üzerinde yaratıcılığa, daha geniş çapta yeni yaratıcı efektlere, yüksek kalitede gelişim ve korumaya ve gıda paketleme uygulamalarına olanak sağlar. Ofset kaplamada maksimum efekt elde etmek için bazı ipuçlarını dikkate almalısınız. Efekt pigmentleri substrata tüm partiküllerin aynı yönlendikleri, homojen bir tabaka halinde düzenli bir şekilde uygulanması gerekir.

Offset Coating

Effect pigments in offset coating allow creative designs on various materials. For the best results and intensive and premium effects, certain things must be taken into account. First, selecting the right etched rollers and photopolymer plate plays a very crucial role – both for defect-free printing and for a good effect.

The cell geometry of the etched rollers and the effect pigments used should be matched in accordance with the table below.

Pigment Particle Size Theoretical Dispensing Volume (cm3/m2) Screen Angle Hexagonal Lines/cm Lines/inch
< 15 μm
6–13 60° or Hachure 80–120 200–300
10–60 μm 9–20 60° 60–100 150–250
10–100 μm
10–125 μm
20–25 60° 40–60 100–150

Stop Crushed Edges

To stop crushed edges, it is generally recommended to affix base leaders to the polymer plates. For double coating applications, it must also be ensured that the base leaders for the two coating units are next to each other.

Offset coating with half-tones
Innovative types of etched roller transfer the pigments better and allow the use of effect pigments in half-tone applications. The ratio of the particle size, screen ruling, and theoretical dispensing volume is decisive for selecting the right etched roller.

Autotypical half-tone screens (ART) with a screen ruling of 21 lines per centimeter (52 lines/inch) are the most suitable for presenting half-tones using effect pigments. Grain or frequency modulated screens are not recommended due to the platelet structure of the effect pigments.

Pearlets Pigment size Print 140 Lines/cm
12,5 g ART
100 Lines/cm
8,5 g ART
100 Lines/cm
16,0 g ART
80 Lines/cm
20,0 g ART
5–25 μm Fulltone
10–60 μm Fulltone
20–100 μm
20–125 μm


(+) printable
(-) unprintable